Explore our annual report by clicking through each section below.
We can only realize our best possible selves by building love and acknowledging our past and present. Our students and families need to hear our voices of love and support more than ever. We can’t support our students if we don’t support who they are and where they’re from. We celebrate that New York City is an immigrant city.
Because of this, EHTP acknowledges that it is located in ancestral Lenape homelands and it recognizes the longstanding significance of these lands for Lenape nations past and present.
We are also conscious that New York City has the largest urban Native population in the United States.
We believe that historical awareness of Indigenous exclusion and erasure is critically important and are committed to working to overcome their effects in our own educational institutions.
James Baldwin Award designed by Community Artist Manny Vega
Since its founding in 1958, East Harlem Tutorial Program has been grounded in the power of the written word. Literature sparks the imagination, speaks to the heart, and opens the mind. It ignites possibility in the classroom and beyond. It challenges the status quo, and it incites us to transform the world.
In creating the James Baldwin Award, we pay homage to an East Harlem hero and a world treasure, whose literary genius paved the way for generations to come and celebrate the writers and activists who assume the mantle of the written word to build love, equity, and justice.
2021 James Baldwin Award Recipient
2022 James Baldwin Award Recipient
Seniors in our College Success out-of-school time program celebrate their college acceptances with mentors at this year’s Senior Sendoff
East Harlem Tutorial Program (EHTP)
began in 1958 as a children’s reading group and has since grown into a multi-site after-school program for public school students and a network of charter schools focused on significantly increasing the college graduation rate in East Harlem. East Harlem Tutorial Program scholars build the academic skills, strength of character, and emotional well-being to thrive in school and lead in their communities. We envision a world where all young people access an unconditionally supportive education that offers them the freedom to embrace—and build on—their inherent power as learners.In addition to operating a network of Pre-K - 12th grade public charter schools in East Harlem, East Harlem Tutorial Program offers students in the community a variety of after-school programs for elementary, middle and high school scholars, in addition to support for college scholars and a teaching residency program to support new teachers from our communities.
East Harlem Tutorial Program is committed to serving 25 percent of East Harlem children by 2025, and East Harlem Scholars Academies are contributing more and more to that goal. Our two elementary schools, two middle schools and high school serve almost 1,400 students from Pre-K through 12th grade. Our high school Scholars will also benefit from the success of our renowned after-school
and summer programs, which are available to students as they develop their college plans.
Hearing from our community how we’re making an impact in El Barrio
Our staff and families share EHTP’s unique value add to their experiences in East Harlem community. Hear how we build love in collaboration with our scholars and their families and educators.
EHTP demographics reflect our local community
We envision a world where all young people access an unconditionally supportive education that offers them the freedom to embrace—and build on—their inherent power as learners.
How our scholars learned at school
At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, we transitioned to a virtual instruction style for our scholars. As attendance was affected city and nationwide, we continued meeting our scholars and their families where they were, from an in-person experience to virtual and then hybrid in the 2021-2022 school year.
Out-of-School Time
Our Out of School Time program is designed to provide scholars with a rich after-school experience
that grows their academic capacity and stokes their intellectual curiosity in a fun and enriching environment. Our Summer Programs serve to curb learning loss and provide scholars with an opportunity to deepen their passions through STEAM-based club activities. With a focus on strengthening ELA
and Math capacity, scholars have an array of activities that keep them excited about learning.
College Scholars
Our Post-Secondary Success programs provide college scholars with 1:1 advising, mentorship, and internship opportunities as they matriculate through college and beyond. Our Post- Secondary Readiness team works closely with students in 9th -12th grade with post-secondary planning and our College Success team is dedicated to seeing our scholars through graduation. Our annual College Scholar Summit brings our youth together for a day of networking, mock interview, and internship attainment support to support and grow their professional capacity.
What were scholars up to in out-of-school time at EHTP?
This year our scholars OST after-school scholars participated in an array of activities that were culturally rich, engaging, and designed to get scholars exposed to different opportunities. It is our hope that scholars will walk away with a new experience with each club in which they participate. Providing Tutoring, Robotics, Coding, Theater, Art, Music, and more, our youth are engaging in academically rigorous and engaging programs.
Teaching Residency Demographics
The East Harlem Teaching Residency is a paid teacher residency that develops, supports, and certifies aspiring educators to become highly effective elementary teachers in East Harlem. In partnership with Hunter College School of Education, we prepare our Residents to affect educational outcomes in East Harlem and promote an equitable society.
The Residency is designed specifically for recent college graduates and career changers who are looking to become passionate teachers dedicated to transforming educational outcomes for East Harlem students. We look for residents who can build a connection with our scholars and the East Harlem community.
Job Placement Post-Residency
Every resident from Cohorts 1-6 that has graduated from EHTR has found a full-time teaching position after completing the residency program.
Cohort Demographics
86% of our teaching residents identify as POC. This is important because it allows our students to have role models in their classrooms who look like them.
NYC Average is 41.4% & National Average is 27.7%
During the pandemic, the East Harlem community was hit hard.
EHTP quickly pivoted our services to virtual platforms and had to meet needs that long existed in the community but were exacerbate by the financial and health crises following the onset of the pandemic.
The seeds of a new team were planted with the launch of EHTP Emergency Assistance Fund that supported families with mini-grants of up to $500 to meet urgent needs related to COVID. EHTP provided computers, wifi hotspots, and internet bill assistance, to ensure our scholars stayed connected to their education.
In FY22, we made the Emergency Assistance Fund permanent to the systems we have in place to support families experiences urgent challenges and needs. By the end of June 2022, EHTP provided over $200,000 in assistance to families.
In addition to financial support, the newly formed Public Engagement team formed connections with local groups, city and state agencies, and relief coalitions to provide additional longer-term support to families receiving assistance. This new team, formed in FY21, absorbed responsibilities for EHTP service and workforce development programs from the former team, and added community
and government relationships into its portfolio.
Today EHTP has been able to better connect with partners in the community to work together on existing and emerging needs in East Harlem.
In a typical year, we usually have around 350 volunteers dedicating over 14,000 hours to our scholars. During #COVID19, we had 35 College Program mentors and 13 High School after-school tutors STILL SUPPORTING THEIR SCHOLARS through virtual platforms!
Thank you to each educator, staff member and volunteer for supporting our scholars community with their heads, hearts and hands.
We express gratitude to the many individual, corporate, and foundation supporters partnering with us to Build Love in East Harlem!
105th St Society ($100K+)
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Charles Hayden Foundation
The Estate of Mary D. Lindsay
Rachel and James Levin
Patrick Nazari
National Center for Teacher Residencies, BEI
Lili Lynton and Michael Ryan
Judith Gibbons and Francesco Scattone
Lori Roth and David Schnadig
Marilyn and James Simons
Joan S. Solotar
Judith and Andrew Tucker
Scholar Society ($50,000 - $99,999)
Allen H. & Selma W. Berkman Charitable Trust
Alliance Bernstein LP
The Blackstone Charitable Foundation
Cydnee Murray and K. Don Cornwell
The Frances L. and Edwin L.Cummings Memorial Fund
Cindy and Brian Gavin
Stacy and Jonathan Pollack
Cassie and Billy Rahm
Kent C. Simons
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Jacqui and Peter Weidman
Miriam Wheeler
Helen's Club ($25,000 - $49,999)
Lynn and Joel Frank
Goldman Sachs
Greenberg Traurig
Heisman Trophy Youth Development Fund
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Mahesh Saireddy
Morgan Stanley
MUFG Investor Services
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of New York
PJT Partners
PwC Charitable Foundation
Gail and Robert van Brugge
David and Susan Rahm
Robin Hood Foundation
Ropes & Gray LLP
Gisele Shorter
Judith and Andrew Tucker
Investor ($15,000 - $24,999):
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP
Amicus Amico Foundation
Citco Fund Services
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
Consolidated Edison Company of New York
Laura Dail
Chuck Davis
Debevoise & Plimpton
Eastdil Secured, LLC
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
JP Morgan Chase Bank
Allison and Jeffrey Koffman
Ruth Lazarus
Libby Holman Foundation, Inc.
Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
The Pine Tree Foundation of New York
Suzie and Stephen Rabinowitz
RBC Capital Markets
Seward & Kissel LLP
State Street Corporation
Paul J. Taubman
Albert Tylis
UBS Wealth Management USA
Wendy Belzberg and Strauss Zelnick
Benefactor ($5,000 - $14,999)
Nancy and Andrew Adelson
Eileen and Lowell Aptman
Barclays Capital
First Republic Bank
Ann and Mark Casella
Anne and Benjamin Wolff
Barclays Capital
Matthew Blank
David Blitzer
The Cowles Charitable Trust
Janel Callon
Saundra and W. Don Cornwell
Nina Beattie and Michael Eberstadt
Michael and Beth Fascitelli
Nicole D. Fox
Betty and Adam Gallistel
Oliver Hogbin
Bruna Papandrea and Steve Hutensky
Joele, Frank, Wilkinson, Brimmer, Katcher
Patty Cerruzzi and Martin Joyce
Daniel Karubian
K.E.D.S. Foundation, Inc.
King & Spalding
Jones Day
Joe Levin
Steven Levin
Patricia and Joe Lynett
Mary and Stuart Mackintosh
Jessica Marinaccio
Flori Marquez
Maximus Foundation
May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc.
Theresa Mohan and Peter Moskowitz
Lori and Michael Nash
O'Melveny & Myers
Katherine and David Outcalt
Steve Plavin
Nina Bogosian Quigley and Matt Quigley
Rhodebeck Fund for EHTP
Alison and Paul Russo
Erica Samuels
David Spack
Pamela Frankel Stein and Jonathan Stein
Antoinette Delruelle and Joshua Steiner
Societe Generale
Somnio Bellus
Stone Point Capital LLC
Teagle Foundation
Wellfleet Foundation
William Wilson
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Patron ($2,500 - $4,999)
Puneet Arora
Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation
Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC
George Eberstadt
Daniel Hoffman
Michelle and Michael Najjar
Gayle F. Robinson
Laura and David Ross
Pam and Richard Schafler
Lisa Kadin and William Spiegel
Brenda R. Tanger
James W. Tucker
Dr. Thomas Webber and Andrea Webber
Michael Wiebolt
Friend ($1 - $2,499)
Akin Akinrinade
Thomas Allen
Christopher Allen
Amazon Smile Foundation
Keith Ambuhl
Elizabeth and Gerald Anderson
Julie Andrews
Judith Auger
Tayaru Bayyana
Kathy and Gene Bernstein
Christopher Blackman
Natalie and John Blaney
Roderick Blaylock
Eric Bogosian
Broadway Bound Kids
Christopher Brockmeyer
Abigail A. Canfield
Virginia Chambers
Mark Cherone
Shannon and Wayne Cohen
Dr. Bobbi Coller and Dr. Barry S. Coller
Laverne Cornwell
Thomas D'Arminio
Shannon Danzy
Robert DeGaudenzi
Ellen and Michael Diamant
Thomas Eglin
Burak Eker
Dawn Ellingson
Courtney Elliott
Rebecca Elvin
Carolina and Jared Esquenazi-Shaio
Willa and David Fawer
Gabrielle Finley
Linda Laughlin and Erwin Flaxman
Terrie Foristal
Andy Frankenberger
William French, Jr.
Laurie J. Giddins
Jeffrey Ginsberg
Marsha and Harry Ginsburg
Prabhakar Goel
Barbara A. Gonzalez
Barbara Gonzalez
Kimberly Granja
Francis Greenburger
Malik Hamirani
Nancy Henningsen
Anne and John Herrmann
Alexandra Heyburn
Tiffany Hoang
Kodjo Hogan
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Valeriya Kandakova
Jennie Kassanoff
Gary Kleinau
Pradeep kumar Gujjar
Beverly Leach
Susan and Jonathan Leader
Taryn and Mark Leavitt
Randolph Lee
Samantha Levien
Brian Locke
Kelly Lopez
Barbara Lurie
Sadiq Malik
Marc S. Zeplin Foundation Inc.
Siri and Robert Marshall
Thelma Martinez
Robert Mazziotti
Maria Medrano
Mark Mellstrom
Wendy and Ronald Meltsner
Metzger-Price Fund
Reishi Mitsudome
Sushaan Modi
Michael Moorby
Tara Murphy and Carlos Morales
Viraj More
Michael C. Nazzaro
Catherine Neal
New York Life Foundation
New York State Office of the State Comptroller
Rebecca Niland
Cathy Orme
Leslie Ortiz
Tess Parent
Jean Lawrence and Peter Petri
Michelle Philopena
Robin and Edward Plonsker
Barbara L. Price
Julian Price
Russel Quan
Christopher Regnier
Natasha Roberts
Kenney Robinson
Barbara and Stan Roth
Joseph Rousch
Allyson and Earl Samson
Carl Sanders
Sid Schwartzapfel
Bonnie and Gary Sellers
Phyllis and Donald Sharp
Dilip Shaw
Sisk Sales and Marketing
Joan Sloyan
Anne Small
Jennifer Snow
Felicia Snyder
Ericka Song
Steven Sonnenstein
Richard Stabinsky
Kathryn Stickel
Steven Stokdyk
Helaine and Lewis Teperman
Celine Teunissen
Kenya Thacker Pierre
Marsha Thornhill
Robia and Keith Timko
Lisa White-Tingling and Milton Tingling
Christa Tofty
Carlo Trigiani
Calvin Trillin
Sarah Trillin
Hope Knight and Steven Umlauf
Nandakumar Velayadikot
Peter Wallach
Virginia and Robert Walther
Paula M. Wardynski
Brian Weigler
Julie and Andrew White
Stephen Whitney
Katja Wilkens - Cucciardi
Vanessa Wilson
Seth Wilson
Andrea Woodner
Victoria Worcester
Genia Wright
Junmei Yang
David Zegzdryn
Simon Ziff
Pledgeling Foundation
105th St Society ($100K+)
Elizabeth Strickler and Mark Gallogly
Rachel and James Levin
National Center for Teacher Residencies, BEI
Lili Lynton and Michael Ryan
Judith Gibbons and Francesco Scattone
Lori Roth and David Schnadig
Marilyn and James Simons
Joan S. Solotar
Judith and Andrew Tucker
Scholar Society ($50,000 - $99,999)
Alliance Bernstein LP
The Blackstone Charitable Foundation
Charles Hayden Foundation
The Frances L. and Edwin L. Cummings Memorial Fund
Cindy and Brian Gavin
GCM Grosvenor
Joe Klingler
New York Life Foundation
NIKE, Black Community Commitment
Stacy and Jonathan Pollack
Cassie and Billy Rahm
Robin Hood Foundation
Kent C. Simons
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Thomas B. Murphy Estate
Gail and Robert van Brugge
Jacqui and Peter Weidman
Helen's Club ($25,000 - $49,999)
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP
Lynn and Joel Frank
Goldman Sachs
Greenberg Traurig
Joe Levin
JP Morgan Chase Bank
Morgan Stanley
MUFG Investor Services
PJT Partners
Ropes & Gray LLP
Mahesh Saireddy
Stone Point Capital LLC
Teagle Foundation
Maria and David Wildermuth
Investor ($15,000 - $24,999)
Acre Valley Real Estate
Amicus Amico Foundation
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
Blackstone Tactical Opportunities
Citco Fund Services
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Consolidated Edison Company of New York
Debevoise & Plimpton
Eastdil Secured, LLC
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Allison and Jeffrey Koffman
Lazarus Charitable Trust
Brian J. Lee
Schuyler Levin
Libby Holman Foundation, Inc.
Flori Marquez
Ms. Katherine L. Pringle and Mr. John P. McCormick
Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
Suzie and Stephen Rabinowitz
RBC Capital Markets
Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP
Sculptor Capital
Seward & Kissel LLP
Societe Generale
State Street Corporation
Albert Tylis
UBS Wealth Management USA
Van Konynenburg Foundation
Matthew Verrochi
Sara and Scott Weiner
Wells Fargo
Benefactor ($5,000 - $14,999)
Nancy and Andrew Adelson
Allen H. & Selma W. Berkman Charitable Trust
Rick Angell
Lowell and Eileen Aptman
Bank of America
Barclays Capital
Blackstone Group
Blackstone Strategic Partners
David Blitzer
Deb and Ken Caplan
Centerbridge Partners, LP
Sanjay Chanda
Julie and Frank Cohen
Cydnee Murray and K. Don Cornwell
The Cowles Charitable Trust
Antoinette H. Delruelle
Dolan Family Foundation
Shachi and Amit Doshi
Tom Flexner
Samuel P. Frieder
Betty and Adam Gallistel
Susan Egbert Gilroy and Tony Gilroy
William L. Guinan
Kristen and Robert Harper
Daniel Herz
Tim Johnson
Bonnie and Andrew Jonas
Jones Day
K.E.D.S. Foundation, Inc.
Katie Hill
Dena and Brett Klein
Ruth Lazarus
Steven Levin
Elizabeth Berkowitz and Jonathan Lewinsohn
The Margaret & Daniel Loeb-Third Point Foundation
Maximus Foundation
May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc.
The Monaghan Foundation, Inc.
Sylvia Moss
Michelle and Anthony Myers
Lori and Michael Nash
New York Community Trust
Darcy and Andrew Nussbaum
Michael Olshan
Cathy Orme
Katherine and David Outcalt
Steve Plavin
Nina Bogosian Quigley and Matt Quigley
Cassie and Billy Rahm
David and Susan Rahm
Alison and Paul Russo
Pam Wasserstein and Adam Shapiro
Pamela Frankel Stein and Jonathan Stein
Saskia Levy Thompson and Paul Thompson
Wellfleet Foundation
Jennifer Kroman and David Wermuth
White & Case
Anita and Byron Wien
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
William Wilson
Anne and Benjamin Wolff
Patron ($2,500 - $4,999)
Sarah Angell
Douglas Armer
Vivek J. Bantwal
BNY Mellon
Brenda R. Tanger
Shannon and Wayne Cohen
Ellen and Michael Diamant
Suzanne and Alexander Golten
Robert C. Heady
Bruna Papandrea and Steve Hutensky
John F. Hunt, Jr.
Patty Cerruzzi and Martin Joyce
Daniel Karubian
Katie Kaplan Keenan
Michael and Nancy Lascher
Taryn and Mark Leavitt
Marc S. Zeplin Foundation Inc.
Nadeem Meghji
Morrison & Foerster Foundation
Mark Patterson
Dr. Lisa S. Minsky-Primus and Dr. Yaron M. Primus
Gayle F. Robinson
Jan Roosenburg
Brian Rose
Steven Rotter
Pam and Richard Schafler
Bonnie and Gary Sellers
Srot Realty Inc.
Gaurav Suri
James W. Tucker
Dr. Thomas Webber and Andrea Webber
Caroline and Jacob Werner
Friend ($1 - $2,499)
Zander Abranowicz
Shabnam Akhavi
Amazon Smile Foundation
Keith Ambuhl
American Express Foundation
Elizabeth and Gerald Anderson
Marvin Anderson
Pamela Anderson
Torquhil Anderson
Algerson Andre
Wallace Aptman
Todd Arden
Maureen Arditi
Edward Auslander
Nancy Babendir
Jared Bartie
Lori Bassin
Taylor J. Becker
Thomas Belgrad
Miriam Best
Ellen Biben
Matthew Blank
Lynda J. Boulio
Tiffany Bowen
Rebecca Brill
Broadway Bound Kids
Broadway Bound Kids
Broadway Bound Kids
Peter Brock
Christopher Brockmeyer
Wende Brown
Michele Burch
Sanford Burns
Kathleen Cahill
Abigail A. Canfield
Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Denise A. Carkhuff
Janie Carlisle
Byron Carlock
Peter Carman
Jaclyn Carron
Iris Chen
Phyllis Chernin
The Chicago Community Foundation
Neelesh Chopdekar
David Clark
Millicent Clarke-Maynard
Stuart Cogen
Dr. Bobbi Coller and Dr. Barry S. Coller
Heather Conneely
Kealan Cormican
Saundra and W. Don Cornwell
Graham Corrigan
Megan Crowell
Laura Dail
Theresa Daniel
Leslie Dantchik
Joanna Davies
Jerri Davis
Andrew Deegan
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Joseph Di Lucca
Nathan Doiev
Sherrie Donecker
Susie Drayton
Lori Earnest
Nina Beattie and Michael Eberstadt
Lucius Elliott
Alexandra Engelberg
Ashley Falcon
Jonathan Feiler
James Flanagan
Margaret and David Fleming
Dawn Ford
The Frances and Benjamin Benenson Foundation
Ava Friedmann
Laura Garr
James Gizzarelli
Hannah Goldberg
Wendy Gorman
John Goyette
Jocelyn and Kamil Grajski
Francis Greenburger
Sophia Griffith
Nour Haidar
Cynthia Hamilton
Leigh Hamp
Alexander Hasslinger
Kimby Heil
Nancy Henningsen
Sandra Henshaw
Anne and John Herrmann
Lauren Heyburn
Alexandra Hill
Tiffany Hoang
Daniel Hoffman
Mitch and Leslie Horowitz
Pamela Rice and Kevin Hyman
Emily Janus
Jennifer Snow
Rosezetta Johnson
Willie Mae Johnson
Deloris Johnson
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Katherine Juraschek
Ram Kannan
Helane Kasow
Jennie Kassanoff
James Kay
Emmett Kim
Gary Kleinau
Louis Koven
Ellen and Andrew Kramer
Kathleen Krammerer
Menka Lamba
Susan and Jonathan Leader
Nicole Leary
Adele Lee
Marissa Lenz
Wesley and Evan LePatner
Samantha Levien
David Levine
Michael and Ronnie Levine
Leticia Lugo
Barbara Lurie
Dariush Maanavi
Sadiq Malik
Genevieve Maltais-Boisvert
Paul Mancinelli
Jennifer Mantini
Jessica Marinaccio
Siri and Robert Marshall
Karen Martin
Zachary Martin
Steven Masaitis
Robert Mazziotti
Linda McDonough
William McGinley
Michael McHale
Stephen McKnight
Tanya McNamar
Malcolm McRoberts
Alex Mebed
Mark Mellstrom
Wendy and Ronald Meltsner
Henretta Milton-Williams
Vinay Mogali
Maddie Molot
Veronica Moore
Tara Murphy and Carlos Morales
Sandra Morrison
Candace Mueller
Bie Mwengela
Katherine Austin-Evelyn and Sivu Mzamo
Hari Narayanan
Michael C. Nazzaro
Emma Neisser
New York Road Runners Club
New York State Office of the State Comptroller
Marta Nicolas
Rebecca Niland
Caroline Novak
Catherine Novak
Douglas Olin
Damaris Padilla
Judy Pan
Angela Paolicelli-Ortiz
Gaurav Parikh
Jean Lawrence and Peter Petri
Michelle Philopena
Ruth Pickholz
Jameson Pine
Robin and Edward Plonsker
Tara Poto
Karen Powers
Priscilla Press
Peter Racine
Mahesh Ramakrishnan
Sameera Razak
Sarah Redding
Marjorie Reed
Sabeeha Rehman
Brian Richards
Joyce Richardson
Brett Richardson
Gladys Rivera
Daniel Robbins
Kenney Robinson
Marie Rosemy
Daniel Rosen
Laura and David Ross
Barbara and Stan Roth
Alexandra Ruby
Steve Rura
Steve Rura
Laura Rutkin
Allyson Samson
Anne Hoyt-Scavone and Arthur Scavone
Isabelle and Eric Schnadig
Fran Schulman
Avery Scurlock
Julie Siegel Padover
Diane Simmons
Aravinth Sivasubramaniam
William Skinner
Laurie Slosberg Kaminsky
Anne Small
Jennifer Snow
David Sommer
Linda Spinner
Sridhar Srinivasan
Andre Stechert
Rachel Stein
Max Stern
Marc Sulam
Nancy Tani
Hana Tanimura
Jeffrey Taylor
Michelle Teicher
Kenya Thacker Pierre
David Thomas
Matthew Thomas
Robia and Keith Timko
Lisa White-Tingling and Milton Tingling
TisBest Philanthropy
Calvin Trillin
Sarah Trillin
Tung Family Foundation
Gayle Turner
Michael Urse
Kevin Van Auker
Stephanie Van Lake
Sophie Walker
Peter Wallach
Reverend Dr. LaKeesha Walrond and Reverend Michael A. Walrond, Jr.
Virginia and Robert Walther
Anna Ward
Laura Ward
Paula M. Wardynski
Andre Weiser
Ann Weiss
Dawn Whidden
Julie and Andrew White
Kathy White
Kathy White
Vanessa Wilson
Andrea Woodner
Dazhong Xia
Douglas Yolen
Richard Zhang
Simon Ziff
Campaign for East Harlem, Phase II:
When we built our “blue building” at 2050 Second Avenue, it became a landmark emblematic of EHTP and our East Harlem Scholars Academies. Now we are constructing the
first new public high school building in East Harlem in 60 years!
The 70,000-square-foot building will include a full-size gym and auditorium, STEM labs, art and music rooms, and an event space open to the community. It will have a full admissions preference for East Harlem families.