EHTP Summer Program Wraps

A message from our CEO

After weeks of learning and fun,  EHTP's Summer 2024 programming ended just a few days ago. I would like to thank the hundreds of families and scholars who joined us throughout the entire month of July for academic instruction in the mornings and fun activities in the afternoons, including field trips, dance, art and crafts, 3D printing as well as robotics.

Our summer was filled with opportunities not only to learn but to build meaningful relationships with peers and caring adults, giving children fun  memories that will last a lifetime.  Through the work we did this summer EHTP demonstrates that we remain committed to ensuring that East Harlem families have a safe, welcoming, and fun place to bring their children during the annual summer break. Thank you to all the staff and volunteers who made the summer programming possible through their dedication and hard work and commitment to our scholars.

I'd  like to remind all families that our fist day of school is August 21st. Please make sure that your child is ready to attend school on time and in uniform on Wednesday morning, as we are committed to making every day of learning count.


Please keep an eye out for images of our scholars and families during the first day of school and next week!


Marina Cofield, CEO, EHTP

Summer Institute Program Highlights

This summer, our scholars engaged in a variety of activities and workshops designed to inspire creativity, foster new skills, and promote personal growth. From trips to the Children's Museum for Kindergarten through 2nd to grade to to the photography workshops that allowed scholars in grades 3rd though 5th to capture the world through their lens, honing their artistic abilities and exploring visual storytelling. 

In our STEM sessions, for scholars in grades 3rd through 8th , they learned about technology and engineering, working together to build habitats for local animals and critters. 

Youth development workshops provided a space for middle schoolers to discuss important life skills, including leadership, communication, and self-reflection, helping them build confidence and prepare for their future.

In addition to in-class activities, our high school scholars participated in several educational trips, which extended their learning beyond the classroom. These outings allowed scholars to experience new environments, broaden their perspectives, and apply the lessons they’ve learned in real-world settings.

One of the most impactful experiences of the summer was our tour of Philadelphia. During this trip, high school scholars explored the city’s rich history by visiting numerous historical landmarks and gained insights into what their academic future could hold by touring four universities: Villanova, Temple, UPenn, and Drexel. These visits were more than just sightseeing; they offered our scholars a glimpse into college life and encouraged them to envision their own paths to higher education. 

Through discussions and activities like creating vision boards, scholars were able to reflect on their goals and aspirations, fostering a sense of purpose and excitement about their future endeavors.

Overall, this summer has been transformative for our scholars, as they’ve developed new skills, explored future possibilities. 

EHTP Communications