Star Scholar


Shaylynn, 14, may have just started a new school, but she is no stranger to the East Harlem Scholars family. A student who joined East Harlem Scholars Elementary in first grade, the 9th grader shares her feelings and hopes about the new year:

EHTP:You've been with us a while! How was the move up to high school?

Shaylynn:  It was amazing and so exciting. I like having each class with scholars who came from other middle schools and meeting unique people. I also like having houses and being more hands-on in building hobbies and clubs.

EHTP:What is your favorite thing about school?

Shaylynn: My favorite thing is receiving an education and getting to know new teachers and students. Going to school is one thing I know can make me successful. I want to pass each class with an average of 80 percent or higher and make it to honor roll each semester.

EHTP: What does Love, Liberate, Heal mean to you? 

Shaylynn:  When I first heard Love, Liberate, Heal, it made me feel safe to be in my community. Those three words gave me hope that we can make things better, on our terms, with our behavior, and through our mindset. We strive to help one another, not only inside our school but outside in our community.

EHTP:  Tell us one fun fact about you.

Shaylynn:  I like to play a lot of sports -- basketball, soccer, volleyball and softball -- and do  activities with friends, but when I am in a quiet place alone, I like to read and draw.

EHTP: Any advice?

Shaylynn:  Don’t listen to what other people have to say. Love yourself and love who you are. At the end of the day it’s your mind and your body; hold yourself to your highest standards and don’t let anyone create obstacles for you; God has built you to overcome and power through.

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